It is my honor to present - Rose Victoria Pietromonaco!
Vital Statistics:
Birth Date: Born November 13th, 2007 at 9:30 PM
Birth Location: Swedish Hospital, Seattle WA.
Birth Weight: 7 lbs, 1.7 oz
Birth Length: 18.75 inches
Proud Parents: Dana & Paul Pietromonaco
Dana and I are quite excited and quite exhausted. Her original due date was last week - Monday, Nov. 5th. Since she was overdue, we were planning on starting labor induction tomorrow (Thurs.) - instead, due to some complications, she arrived yesterday (Tues.) via C-Section. Everything is fine, though - Mother and Baby are doing great!
Here's a few more pics:
By the way - those things on her ears in the last photo are not some sort of baby torture device. They're actually part of an infant hearing test. They play soft sounds in her ears, and use the white sensor you can see on her head to scan her brain to determine if she heard the sounds! How cool is that?
Happy Birthday Rose! Mom & Dad love you!
Congratulations, Mom and Dad! And welcome to the world, Rose!!!
Congratulations! Now Paul, you need to practice "Baby Hero" (available for Xbox 360 & PS3--comes with innovative diaper controller).
Phhhhht. Baby Hero, ha ha! Yeah, the only problem is that you can't return it to the store. And the game just get harder and harder. We're stuck on the sleep level right now.
Hearty congrats to Mom, Dad and Rose! Enjoy every moment. They go by fast.
Congratulations!! What a cute baby girl! :)
Way to go Paul and Dana!!! I'm sure Rose already has you tightly wrapped around her finger. :) She's beautiful and I'm so happy for you two. Please bring her in as soon as you can so I can see her? ps: I'm only in the 109 office on Mon,Wed,Fri...hint hint
Shoot, Just figured out how to make it say "Janie said". Not trying to be anonymous at all :)
Awesome awesome awesome! Congratulations, Paula and Dana!
Congratulations to you three!
Well done...welcome to the twilight zone...
The land of little sleep..........
but huge rewards!
Best wishes
Awwww! You all look fabulously happy. Congratulations!
Congratulations! Time to buy an extra controller for your consoles!
Finally, the ideal copy has your name!
Paul = Dad. ...Fab.
My most hearty congratulations to both Mom & Dad. ...Wow!
Congrats Paul! from one new dad to another...enjoy the moments...
Whoo-hoo! Congratulations to all three of you. From an old Sockhead acquaintance!
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