Wednesday, February 6, 2013

National Pancake Day - February 5, 2013

(from the It's always better with Butter® department)

Hi everyone,

Last night was National Pancake Day.  Starting when she was 2, Rose & I have been attending these at our local IHOP each year.  You can see some of our previous visits here: National Pancake Day.

This year, we managed to talk Mommy into coming with us.  It helped that we went a little earlier than usual - so the crowds weren't too bad.  The place was packed as we left though.  Here's some photos:

(Note:  A couple of these were from the front camera of my phone, so they'll be low-res-ish.  That's not your browser freaking out.)

As I've mentioned before, each year on National Pancake Day, IHOP gives away free pancakes.  They also ask that you consider donating to the Children's Miracle Network - which we were happy to do.

You can read more about it here:  IHOP National Pancake Day - February 5, 2013

They don't mention it on their website anymore, but historically, they've held it on Shrove Tuesday.
Known also as Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras, National Pancake Day dates back several centuries to when the English prepped for fasting during Lent. Strict rules prohibited the eating of all dairy products during Lent, so pancakes were made to use up the supply of eggs, milk, butter and other dairy products...hence the name Pancake Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday

This year, they held it a week early.   Time had an interesting article explaining the timing:  Why National Pancake Day and International Pancake Day a Week Apart

Frankly, as long as I get free pancakes, I don't care what day it's held. (^_-)


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